Joining us for worship?
Services are Sundays at 10:00 am in person and online.
Or catch up anytime, anywhere!

Who We Are

Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church (Live Oak) is a diverse and welcoming community based on liberal religious values. We gather together to explore our spiritual journeys, make connections, transform lives, and work to heal our world.

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What We Believe

Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion – that means, a religion that keeps an open mind to the religious questions people have struggled with in all times and places. We believe that personal experience, conscience and reason should be the final authorities in religion, and that religious authority lies not in a single book or person or institution, but in ourselves.

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What To Expect

Whatever your faith tradition, you will be welcomed and you will find familiar traditions, as well as new ones. Prepare to be comforted, nurtured, surprised, inspired, moved, made to think, and challenged to act. Most often, there is a sermon or homily delivered by our minister Rev. Joanna Crawford, hymn-singing, special music, and readings.

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Want to get involved at Live Oak?


Membership has its privileges. Get connected with other members in live to be part of our Social Groups, Music, Faith Development for all ages, Social Justice, and more….…

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What’s Happening

Live Oak is buzzing with activities all month. Check out our Calendar to see what’s happening this month!

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Live Oak needs your support to continue its mission in the community. Please check the following topics for more information.

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