Becky Gregory,

Krystle “KG” Gervais,
Vice President

Katherine Enyart,

Mark E. Anderson,

Dan Scott,

Sue Buckley,

Lee Collins,

Each position on the Board of Trustees is elected by church members at a congregational meeting.  The Board of Trustees meets once a month in open session; all church members are welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings. Minutes of each meeting are shared in the newsletter and available online.

The Board handles policy related decisions, and has the fiduciary responsibilities of the church. Day to day issues of the church are typically managed by the Executive Committee.

The Board of Trustees Agenda Request form is for issues the Congregation would like to add to the Board agenda. It will guide you on what information will help the Board. And also your attendance of the Board meeting when your item is addressed is appreciated and will better communicate the issue.

Contact the Board of Trustees at