
To provide the structure and opportunity for Live Oak engagement in voting rights.

“We make it easy for people to vote!”

Wayne, Lyndy, Mary, Alison, Judy and Charles (the photographer) on July 17, 2022

The Voting Rights Team welcomes anyone who wants to work to strengthen our
democracy. All of our efforts with Live Oak will be non-partisan in order not to
jeopardize our tax status. Here are some of our current actions:

1.  VDR activities and participation in VDR events around town

2.  Apartments Vote! Alliance, in which people “adopt” apartment complexes, develop relationships with them and place in them mail-in voter registration material.  We use display boxes for these and have supplies of material for them.  Here’s a spreadsheet of our current apartments.

3.  Development of poll workers.

4.  Participation in ACC Votes!, a new community-wide partnership focussed on getting ACC students registered, voting and engaged in the community.

5.  Vote Forward letter writing events.

6.  Kathleen and her husband, Steve, are doing fabulous work to GOTV on the southern border.

7.  Voting Rights Table on the 1st Sunday, to amply voting voices and to engage voters.

If you or someone you know needs to register to vote in Travis or Williamson County, or has a question about voting, please contact the volunteer deputy registrars in our congregation at Voting Rights Team.


Live Oak members, CTX UUs, voting activists, and Travis and Williamson County Elections Offices have started Apartments Vote! Alliance because apartment complexes concentrate many unregistered voters. AVA members adopt complexes, get to know the residents, offer mail in voter registration, register voters at apartment complex events and encourage voting just prior to election time.