Sing and Give Voice to Your Spirit

January 28th, 2024 by Some Assembly Required. January 28, in the LOUU sanctuary, Some Assembly Required (our house band) will be leading a ‘service in song’ entitled “Sing; give voice to your spirit.” Bill Dower writes: “I believe most people have spiritual experiences. My own are typically a deep emotional swell or wave, which seems […]

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January 7, 2024 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford. Set fire to what you wish to leave behind, blend your sorrows with the sorrows held by others, and receive blessings for the year to come. Join us for our interactive “Fire Communion” this Sunday. Note: part of this ritual involves dipping a piece of flash paper […]

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The Impulse To Care

December 31, 2023 by Rev. Addae Ama Kraba. The message in all religions emphasizes the importance of caring for others. It has been said that one can change the world if you are willing to consider the feelings of others. However, if we are to change the world, we must begin with changing the way […]

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The Snow Tree Pageant

December 10, 2023 by Chris Jarman Join us for this pop-up all-ages pageant as we celebrate the winter solstice: the glory of nature, the promise of the return of the Sun, and the beauty of peace and friendship.

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Ainulindale: Tolkien’s Creation Myth

November 26, 2023 by Mike Schultz. In an unfinished novel, published after the author’s death, lies a tale of the beginning of time. What does this story, written at the end of World War I, tell us about J.R.R. Tolkien religious beliefs? And are there any lessons there for us?

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