Event details
- June 11, 2024
- 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Meets on ZOOM for four Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm, May 21, 28 & June 4, 11. Please register using the green register button on the upper right side of screen in order to recieve the ZOOM link and prep materials.
Over the last three years, Unitarian Universalists have been in an ongoing conversation to update a section of our by-laws that clarifies our faith’s purpose, values, and way of relating to one another across our association. This section is known as Article 2, and previously has contained our Seven Principles and Six Sources. While congregations and individuals are free to continue to use and refer to these principles and sources, this update shifts this section to be more about the promises we make to one another as Unitarian Universalists, and the core values of our faith, and offer us some very rich language to explore together as a part of our ongoing spiritual journey and development. This is our invitation for these four sessions where we will use a special curriculum developed by UU Wellspring, specifically to explore the proposed language and its invitation and possibility for our faith now and into the future. This 4-Session series will be a wonderful opportunity to dive in deeper to Unitarian Universalism, and to connect with one another around our shared values and promises, and will also help prepare anyone who would like to be a delegate at June’s General Assembly where we will vote on these proposed changes.