As many of you know, my mother has been in the hospital recently. I was with her one day and she needed help repositioning herself to be more comfortable. Her nurse whipped out her communicator and said simply, “I need a boost.”
Another nurse came in. They fashioned an extra sheet into somewhat of a sling to move their patient, then the two of them could easily accomplish their goal.
That statement has stuck with me. It was simple, and all the other nurses knew what it meant. And one of her colleagues arrived, probably knowing that when she needs a boost, she’ll get the help she needs, too.
I chuckled when I first heard the nurse say it — don’t we all feel we need a boost? But the real meaning is what stays with me. She had a job to do, to “boost” her patient in some way. She didn’t try to do it herself, she simply asked for help. And she received it. And next time, she may be the person providing the help.
I got to experience that first hand the last couple of weeks. My colleague at First UU needed help, and I preached there on the 24th. I didn’t know that the very next Sunday, I would be the one who needed help, but here was my colleague Rev. Jami Yandle, ready to “boost” me in my work.
“I need a boost” isn’t about quid pro quo. It’s much larger – it’s knowing that there is work to be done, and we can help others, knowing that there will be help for us when we need it.
Recruiting help in a church can feel difficult. (Or anywhere, really, right? At work, PTA, even at home.) We know everyone is busy, we don’t want to impose, so we often struggle more than we have to. But maybe, sometimes, it really is that simple. “Hey, I’m doing this thing. It’s an important thing, but I can’t do it alone. Can you give me a boost?”