This year, the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalist called General Assembly is entirely online, June 20-23. You can attend workshops, participate in worship services, and watch this year’s Ware Lecturer, Julia Watts Belser.
Most importantly, you can take part in the business of the General Assembly. As a democratic organization, it is the delegates of the GA who vote on the decisions of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
This year, it’s some very important issues, including whether to change Article II of the UUA bylaws, which holds our “Principles and Purposes.” This has been discussed, surveyed, edited, discussed more, amendments proposed, and now will be the final vote. To learn more about this particular issue, see:
Principles and Values
Changing the Principles
Final Proposed Revision to Article II
Each congregation is allowed several delegates, according to the congregation size. To be a delegate and vote on behalf of Live Oak, it will be expected that you research ahead of time the issues to be voted on, and to attend the plenary sessions. To apply to be a delegate, send an email to