The Rev. Jami Yandle (they/them/theirs) is a non-binary Board Certified Chaplain and earned a Master’s of Divinity degree from Union Theological Seminary in New York City. Rev. Jami has served as a hospice chaplain for many years and currently Rev. Jami resides in Austin, Texas. They are the part-time contract minister for San Gabriel Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Georgetown, TX. Rev. Jami initiated and facilitated the revision of the Unitarian Universalist Second Source to honor words and deeds of “prophetic people” rather than “prophetic women and men”, making the UU Second Source more inclusive of all gender identities and expressions as well as children and youth.
Rev. Jami has a passion for social justice and has a wide range of experience including being a Protest Chaplain at Zuccotti Park amid Occupy Wall Street, was elected and served as a Democratic Party Central Committee Representative for the Lucas County Board of Elections, and volunteered with Equality Ohio during the Why Marriage Matters Ohio campaign – helping to lead faith organizers in supportive measures which ensured passage of Marriage Equality by the Supreme Court of the United States.
Rev. Jami enjoys leading workshops related to anti-oppression, chaplaincy, mental health, and trauma at regional, institutional, religious, spiritual, and private education sectors across the United States. Most recently, Rev. Jami joined the board of the Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry. Additionally, they serve the UUA as a Hope for Us Conflict Engagement Team Coach.
Rev. Jami is an amateur mobile photographer, loves making music, and adores art of all kinds.