How Do You Show Care for Others?

Being a part of the Live Oak community means that each of us is a member of the pastoral care team, even if we never attend a meeting. We have created an intentional, intergenerational “village” here, where we both give and receive care.

What is pastoral care, anyway? I imagine we often think of it in rather formal terms – visiting someone in the hospital, bringing casseroles to a family in grief. But I suspect that much of the time, you are extending pastoral care without even knowing it. It’s the text message to say, “Hey, I know it’s the anniversary of your dad’s death…how are you?” It’s pulling up a chair and listening to someone on a Sunday morning, as they share a challenge they’re having at work.

Underneath it all, pastoral care means conveying, “I see you. And I care about you.”

So, how are you willing to give care? So that we can better serve our community, the Pastoral Care Team has created a form so that we can know who is willing to cook a meal when someone is in the hospital, who can make a phone call, help with light handyman work, etc. Choose the things you feel willing to do, knowing that you’re not committing to always providing this care, you’re just letting us know we can put you down as a potential resource.

A special note to our male-identifying members: many of you have been enculturated to think of pastoral care as something you’re not skilled at. But taking another guy out for a beer when he’s going through a hard time is also care, and it’s often exactly what is needed. Please consider adding your name to the list!