Unitarian 101

March 5, 2023 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford. What did “unitarian” mean in 300 C.E. and what did it mean during the Reformation, at the founding of the United States, and now? Join us in this overview of Unitarian history.

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Transient & Permanent 23

February 19, 2023 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford. In 1841, Unitarian Theodore Parker differentiated between the permanent values of Christianity and the items that could be left behind. This Sunday, Rev. Joanna speaks to what is transient and permanent in Unitarian Universalism at this time.

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Evolution of UU

January 22, 2023 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford. A common question is how did we get from there (two Christian denominations) to here (a pluralist, humanist association)? Come hear about the methodical and deliberate evolution of this faith.

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Saddle Up

January 15, 2023 by Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford. The Texas Lege is coming back into session, as they do every alternate year. With that will come plenty of opportunities for us to fight evil and support efforts for good.

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