We gather together in spiritual community because we need constant reminders of what matters most in life. In a world of heartbreak and dehumanization, our congregations and communities call us to our better selves. We learn to live with more wisdom, more connection, and more compassion.


Even online, Live Oak is buzzing with activities throughout the week. Check out our What’s Happening page every morning to see what’s happening that week!

New to Live Oak? If you are interested in visiting a class, and are not registered for RE, please send me an email at dlfd@liveoakuu.org. Can’t make the scheduled RE time? No worries. As we say, families are the primary religious educators. All lesson plans are available to registered families via Live Oak Padlet. If you attended RE, the site includes optional activities for home related to the session.

Are you looking for a way to nurture your spirit and get involved?  Do you have skills that would help our ministries run more smoothly? Shared Ministry is how Live Oak UU Church grows programs that make a difference in people’s lives. Our minister and staff give leadership to the ministries but the programs thrive because of the talent and dedication of people who volunteer their time and energy to lead each activity. We empower you to grow in spirit. Transformation can happen in a church that fundamentally accepts you and then allows you to seek what you need.

Welcome to Live Oak!

Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church (Live Oak) is a diverse and welcoming community based on liberal religious values. We gather together to explore our spiritual journeys, make connections, transform lives, and work to heal our world.

Live Oak is a multi-generational congregation that is committed to providing a secure and loving environment in which children can receive a world-based religious education. Established in 1992, our church has approximately 170 adult members and numerous children and youth.

Rev. Joanna Fontaine Crawford

Hi, I’m Joanna and I’m the lead minister for Live Oak UU. I believe we’re called to both strengthen our souls and strengthen the world, and this church is an empowering companion for your own journey. We have great theological diversity at Live Oak. My own belief is that, in the metaphor by Rev. Forrest Church, there is one light, many windows … Unitarian Universalism encourages us to examine them all. Read more