Join Us Each Sunday

From the comfort of your own home, please join us, via “Youtube Premiere,” for our Sunday intergenerational worship service at 10:00 am

Get Involved

Meet lots of other members when you become involved with the wide selection of committees, teams and interest groups. Choir, facilities, book clubs, women’s group, men’s group, electronic communications committee, social justice, green team, and many more to select from. These teams and groups are now meeting electronically

Gatherings for Children and Youth

Unitarian Universalists believe that families are the primary religious educators, and in these times, that is especially true. To support our families in this work, weekly lesson plans with follow-up activities will be available once you have registered.


We gather together to explore our spiritual journeys, make connections, transform lives, and work to heal our world.


Live Oak needs your support to continue its mission in the community


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Our Adult Faith Formation classes provide an opportunity to learn together in a covenanted community and rediscover our capacity to “consciously and critically experience the world.”


Live Oak is ably assisted by our staff. Be sure to thank them if you see them, as they work many hours to make our church a warm and pleasant place.

Music Director: Rebecca Maze

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Dir Lifespan Faith Development: Carrie Krause

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Administrator: Diane Stepakof-Fay

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Child Care Coordinator: Harmoni Anderson

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