Programming For All Ages

Unitarian Universalists believe that learning is a lifelong pursuit and that we learn best in community. The faith development program supports our congregational mission through classes and events designed to:

Build an affirming and loving community among children and adults

Teach Unitarian Universalist values, history, and theological concepts

Encourage a spirit of inquiry in all facets of life

Allow space for personal and communal learning and growth

Living our faith is part of who we are. We strive to provide ways in our classes, programs, and communities to help others and set a positive example. We hope you will join us!

Why Faith Development for Adults?

“We live in a system whose core belief is that we are self-interested individuals. Liberal religious education challenges this view.” (Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker)

“The purpose of education is humanization. To be fully human is to be a subject who acts upon and transforms the world, and in so doing, moves toward ever new possibilities of fuller and richer life individually and collectively.” (Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed)

Our Adult Faith Formation classes allow us to learn together in a covenanted community and rediscover our capacity to “consciously and critically experience the world.” 


Our offerings occur throughout the week. Links for gatherings are on our Monthly Events page or in the Roots and Wings newsletter.


Our drop-in classes are held after service most weeks from 11:15-12:45 pm. Over the summer, most events will be intergenerational.


Periodically, we have classes that meet for a set period during the week or on Sundays. Stay tuned for updates on those offerings as they arise.

Our Nursery

The Live Oak UU Church Nursery welcomes your little ones every Sunday from 8:45 am to 12:45 pm. Our space is filled with toys, books, and crafts to inspire joy and creativity. When the weather is nice, we love taking the children to our beautiful, tree-shaded playground for some fresh air and outdoor fun. Our nursery is staffed by trained, background-checked caregivers who create a safe and nurturing environment, ensuring your child feels comfortable and cared for. We look forward to welcoming your family!

Our nursery is conveniently located on the ground floor in room 109.

When signing your child into the nursery, please bring any supplies they may need, along with feeding and changing instructions. Let our childcare providers know if your child has special dietary needs or specific care preferences. You may also leave your cell phone number so we can contact you during the service if needed (please set phones to vibrate). Alternatively, we can always come find you.

We want you to feel comfortable with your choices. Babies and children are always welcome in the sanctuary during worship. We understand that sitting still for an entire sermon can be a challenge for some, so we have “fidget items” available in the narthex, such as whiteboards for doodling, labyrinth tracing, and coloring pages. And yes—if knitting helps you focus, feel free to bring your project! For those needing a quieter space, we have two rooms at the back of the sanctuary with large windows and audio. One room is a play space for “wiggly” kids, and the other is a calm, low-stimulation area for those who need a bit of peace. We hope everyone in your family feels right at home here!

Our Nursery Staff

Childcare Coordinator




For The Little Ones

Very young children need security and loving attention. Play is their work. At this age, the foundation of their spiritual development is building the trust that their needs will be met by compassionate adults who care about them.

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