Event details
- Tuesday | September 13, 2022
- 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
At long last, the first meeting of the new LOUU Pagan Discussion Group is set for Sept. 13! If you have the Moon in your blood, the Earth in your soul, and stars in your eyes, be welcome.
This first meeting will be devoted to getting acquainted and figuring out our goals, format, and meeting schedule. This group is geared toward adults of all or no genders as well as any age, level of experience (or none!), or tradition that meshes up with the 7 Principles. Possible activities include book discussions, workshops, rituals, meditations, and a lot more.
There will even be treats. Witches and cookies, who can resist? We’ll meet in the Live Oak UU Library at 7-8:30pm on Tuesday, Sept. 13.
Questions? Email me at diannesylvan@gmail.com.