CUUPs Labyrinth Walk
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
While this was not an official meeting of the Labyrinth Committee, at the request of the CUUPs group, Linda brought her portable labyrinth to their January meeting. The Live Oak Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, who study and follow Earth-based spiritual practices, were very interested in labyrinths, as labyrinths are significant in many of these religions.
Linda brought handouts with information on labyrinths, where to find to labyrinths in the Austin area, and a list of books and web sites about labyrinths. But the highlight of the evening was when they rolled out the cloth labyrinth and walked it by candlelight.
Here is a picture of the canvas labyrinth and a small movie of the walk. It is a little dark, but what else would you expect from a candlelight walk?
The following weekend, it would be time to paint an 84-foot labyrinth on the lawn.