Holiday This and That

First, a huge thank you to our Intern Minister, Carrie Holley-Hurt, for – with very little notice — delivering  my sermon “How the UUs Saved Christmas” this past Sunday. Fabulous job!

I am feeling better (it was a cold, not covid) and look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday night for our Candlelight Christmas Eve service. It begins at 6 pm, so there’s plenty of time to get home afterward for “Twas the Night Before Christmas,” tamales, or whatever your traditions are. Some Live Oak families have a tradition of bringing the kids already in their jammies to the service, and that only makes it more festive.

Of course, this year, you’ll want to have a heavy coat on over those pajamas. I guess you’ve seen the weather forecasts. People are clearly remembering the trauma of the 2021 winter storm. My girls stopped at HEB on Monday and reported that jugs of water were already being wiped out.

The danger was real from that storm, and the trauma many are feeling is legitimate. And, to put it into perspective: right now, there’s only one day where it’s predicted we won’t go over freezing, even though the lows will be very low. AND there’s no precipitation in forecast, so we can drive to other places. AND … we are post-vaccine. When that storm hit in 2021, most of us hadn’t been able to get even the first vax, so being around others felt unsafe.

This isn’t to discount any feelings of fear. Merely to give some facts so that we can (hopefully) take it all in stride. Me, I’m going to fill up a few containers with water and remember where our flashlights are. Never hurts!

Since Christmas falls on a Sunday this year, our service will be entirely online, and I can’t wait for you to see it. It’ll be at 10 am at

It’s filled with music both from our choir and from musicians in our congregations – including one surprise! – and stories from Chris, Carrie, and me. In putting it together, the three of us plus Curtis imagined members at home around the tree, listening to the service, drinking cocoa and coffee, opening gifts, and just feeling cozy.

I hope you have a cozy holiday with low stress, lots of warmth, and plenty of peace. This is such a special community, and I am very proud to be your minister.